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Children are fascinated by whimsical fancies and mythical creatures, so it’s no surprise that fairies are prominent in children’s stories and literature. Why not bring the enchanting world of fairies into your own yard with a diy fairy garden?
A small fairy world provides so much opportunity for imaginative play! In addition, they’re super fun to make and are an adorable decoration for any yard or garden!
Here are five easy ways to make your own diy fairy garden!
1. Make a container diy fairy garden.
A container garden is a great option if you don’t have a permanent space in the yard for it. This also allows you to move the entire thing at any point if need be! You can create a diy fairy garden in pretty much any container you can think of! Wooden crates, old metal pails, flower pots, baskets, etc. I happened to find an old plant basket out in our shed that was perfect!
Once you choose your container, fill it with soil. (If you’re not planning on planting real plants in this garden, any filler will do.) Once that’s finished, it’s time to start creating your diy fairy garden!
2. Make a fairy home from recycled materials and nature!
There are plenty of fairy homes that you can buy, but a lot of them are a bit on the expensive side. And I really like the ones that look natural, as if the fairies created a home with the materials they found in the surrounding woods! So my little guy and I decided to build one using some recycled materials as a base and adding some natural elements to it! You’ll need:
- tin cans
- thin cardboard (we used an old freezer pizza box)
- thin twigs
- moss
- small garden clippers
- paint
- buttons
- hot glue gun
The first step is hot gluing a twig door to your tin can. You can trim up the twigs with the clippers to be whatever height fits your can. We also trimmed them up a bit to have a rounded look on top. If your kids are too young for hot glue, you might want to to this part ahead of time.
Once the door is in place, have your kids paint it whatever color they’d like! This helps is stand out from the rest of the twigs that we’ll put in place later. We also added a button for a door handle. Beads could also work! Once the paint dries, trim your twigs the appropriate size and cover the rest of your can with them!
Again, depending on how old your kids are, the gluing portion may or may not be for them. My almost 5-year-old loved getting to use the hot glue gun for the first time, so he really enjoyed this part. For others, you might want to have them do something else for a bit while you finish off all the gluing.
Once the body of the fairy home is finished, it’s time for the roof! We used a piece of thin cardboard, (although something waterproof would have been ideal), cut it into a circle, and taped it into a cone shape. Then we glued our moss on top and underneath the overhang, and finally glued that to our twig-covered tin! If you want to go another route for the roof, there are tons more super adorable ideas for fairy home roofs!
3. Add plants to spruce up your diy fairy garden!
Plants are essential for a diy fairy garden! Small succulents are perfect for a container garden, and in the colder months the whole container can be brought inside so the plants won’t die. Or, if you don’t feel like worrying about taking care of real plants, you can go the fake plant route (like we did). We used these artificial succulents like these and they did the job quite nicely. Small flowers (real or artificial) also add a nice touch!
4. Use pebbles, moss, and wood slabs for landscaping.
Gather up some natural materials to add to your little fairy world! This is the part that can be especially fun for the kids. Lay out an array of materials and see what their imagination comes up with! Pebbles and wood slabs can become pathways for little fairy feet, moss can create a soft ground cover, and pinecones become trees. My little guy created a fence around the edge with the little twigs! Here are some ideas for materials to include:
- acorns
- pinecones
- pebbles
- rocks
- gemstones
- moss
- bark
- leaves
- flowers
- twigs
- wood slabs
5. Include some woodland creatures!
Our diy fairy garden just wouldn’t be complete without some woodland animal touches! We used this adorable mini hedgehog and mushroom set. If you want a variety of animals, this set has a bunch of cute options! There are also lots of super adorable colorful mushrooms sets and pretty butterflies that would make a diy fairy garden extra magical.
After all that, here’s how our finished diy fairy garden turned out! We had so much fun creating this and it makes an adorable addition to our garden!
Looking for more backyard nature crafts? Try these beautiful paper lanterns or this nature weaving craft!
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